Playing for play money is risk-free. When you play for play money, you play with fake money that does not represent any value. In principle it does not matter how much you lose, because it is fake money after all. If you are completely new to poker, we recommend that you start playing poker for play money. The level on play money websites is often alarmingly low. That is why it is a good first step to try to beat the play money poker websites. If you manage to win a lot of fake money on these websites and continuously beat your opponents, you are ready to start playing for real money. But watch out. The level on real money websites is much higher. We advise you to start at the lowest limits.
Start playing online poker at the lowest limits
When you have outgrown the play money websites you can shift your focus to the real money poker websites. On these websites you play idn 99 poker for real money. Note: You can lose your money on these websites. we therefore recommend that you start at the lowest possible game limits. You have poker websites that you can play on for example for $ 2.
Play online poker
Most online poker websites offer different types of freerolls almost every day. A freeroll is a tournament in which you do not have to pay an entry fee, but you can win money. The prizes you can win in the freeroll can sometimes go up to several hundred euros. That is of course a nice bonus for a free tournament. That’s why we recommend that you check out poker websites that offer freerolls in the beginning.
Make a “poker game”
When we were young and inexperienced we always had a “poker game”. This was a virtual pot where we had my poker money. we made this jar so we was sure we wouldn’t be spending too much money on poker. Because with poker you can of course also lose your money. Every month we put € 50- € 100 in my jar. Regardless of whether we lost or won. In this way, the amount we had in my poker game continued to grow regardless of whether we won or lost online poker. In this way my poker money was kept strictly separate from my living money. This did not get me in trouble, for example that we could no longer buy groceries or clothes.
Use good Bankroll management
Are you now thinking “what is a bankroll?” we would like to explain it to you. Your bankroll is the money that you have set aside in your so-called “poker pot” that we wrote about here. You can also call your poker game your poker bankroll. Poker bankroll management is nothing more and nothing less than good management of your poker game, so that your poker game never runs out. we recommend the strategy: “Put as much money as possible in my poker game every month.” Be smart with your money. Deposit a fixed amount into your poker game every month, regardless of whether you won or lost in that month. Then make sure you agree a maximum buy-in with yourself when you have a certain bankroll. If you maintain good bankroll management you will never go broke.