
Calculation of the odds of winning at roulette!

One of the main topics of debate regarding roulette is certainly that relating to the calculation of the probability of winning. Let us try to understand something more and to provide you with some clarifications that we believe are very useful.

The game mechanism is basically very simple –

First of all, we have a spinning disk divided into 37 or 38 boxes according to the types of roulette. A sector can be red or black, except for the double ZERO which is green or white. Before the wheel starts spinning, the player must place a bet and predict the possible outcome of spinning the ball on the wheel. In short, you have to guess on which square the ball will stop.Once the bets are over, the dealer spins the wheel and then throws the ball in the opposite direction to that of rotation. The number corresponding to the sector in which the ball stops running will be the winner and the relative bets will be those that the bank will have to pay to the players, while on the contrary, the sums bet on the other numbers will be collected by the bank.

How do you go about winning at roulette?

Roulette, which has always enjoyed considerable success with the public, is a game of chance and therefore essentially linked to chance. Many have tried to understand if it was possible to predict the behavior of the ball and identify in which sector it was going to position itself, but soon had to give up this undertaking.Obviously it is not possible because the ball is a static object with no memory. Therefore it cannot memorize previous events in any way. Even in Link VAO W88 moinhat online casino the throwing of the ball is purely random.This makes roulette a game accessible to everyone and based largely on luck, even if there are some special tricks or evaluations that the player, even the less experienced one, can make.

Calculation of the odds of winning at roulette –

The calculation of probabilities is certainly a useful support for the player to understand how many his chances of winning are actually. A first and basic calculation can be made by exploiting simple probabilities: very intuitively, the probability of an event happening is given by the ratio between favorable cases and possible cases. So, in American roulette where the sectors are 38, the payout ratio is 1/38, therefore equal to 2.6%.It means that with each roll, our probability of winning is 2.7%, and so will the next roll as well.This is true in the case of a simple or “dry” bet, or on a single number.